No, our name has not changed: astrotourism is “synonym” of Astrotouristing.

But we have incorporated a tool to respond to the stargazing and touristic demand: the BOOKING search engine.

Do the search from our website and contribute to the astronomical dissemination. Clicking on the violet button SEARCH will take you to the conventional web of BOOKING but, calm down, we will not know anything about your personal data or those of your reservation.

 You know that we actively participate, as much as we can, of initiatives linked to the sustainability of the environment and of humans, that we always insist that we are part of it. In our stamps and other posts you have the proof but if we can make synergy and certain “pedagogy” through it, moreover, redirecting income from this source to our purposes of knowledge divulgation, ecological awareness and social transformation through entrepreneurship …

Our maxim is the Economy of the Common Good. And what is it? …

We know that sometimes the catalog of establishments and holiday homes of Booking is more extensive and/or more economical, because we remind you that we are a travel agency and we have a number of suppliers to compare, which you can continue to consult us if you want through, but if for reasons of schedule, urgency, or because we can not offer the best conditions -that those requested are usually the price, the following referring to the margin of cancellation date, and finally the lack of availability in this search engine- at least you have the option to do your searches from our footer and thus Booking rewards us. A little, but it is a recognition of our collaboration with them, and a contribution to our task. We insist, we do not know data of the reservation but it would be good that you keep the reserve vouchers in a folder of your mail, for example, and also send us the confirmation number of the reservation to check and save points in your name so that later when you request our services and/or products you also have your reward part 😉

It is the formula that we have devised so that you can access the astro-tourism accommodation that you want and whose number is constantly increasing, as well as others in general, at the same time as feeding our Economy for the Common Good model from this adaptation. Doesn't this sound familiar to you? Look look …

It is an alternative model to capitalism and the planned economy, based on values recognized by our Constitution such as human dignity, equality, social justice, solidarity, democracy, transparency, trust or ecological sustainability.

It implies exercising and demonstrating that these principles are translated into a form of acting, negotiating, working, producing, remunerating, avoiding leaving a bad trace (contamination, human exploitation) … but leaving a mark of good respecting the cycles of nature, to the people you attend, with whom you work, with whom you treat, … in an arduous and progressive way that really is our DNA.


Well maybe if your selection of establishments when you make your reservations through takes into account these criteria, you recognize them in your valuations and you press on your way of consuming to demand them … everything is possible. Look carefully at the details of the offer (ecology, cultural impact, legality …), be a good visitor (respect the neighborhood, the monuments, get involved in their customs, consume local products, extend your stays and do not abuse polluting means of transport …) and always be aware that a low & fast world (an excessively cheap and fast world) has consequences that affect us all that can cost us dearly or are not so easy to reverse.

In the middle of World Tourism Day and World Habitat Day. Are you the change you want?

#bestarfriendly es #beecofriendly y #behumanfriendly también.

If you choose BOOKING remember: do the search through ASTROTOURISTING. You will have advantages when being #astrotourister

Thank you!

Carmen María Real Perera (ASTROTOURISTING)
29 September, 2018
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